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Take A Chance at Winning A Trip for 2 To Japan

Interested in going to Japan for free? Enter a sweepstakes and take a chance at winning a trip for 2 to Japan.

Gobble has partnered with friends to give away a trip for 2 to Japan.

Grand Prize total value of $6000

The Sweepstakes is for a 9-day tour of Japan that include stops in Osaka, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Hakone and Tokyo, along with accommodations and transportation from city to city in Japan. Additional partners will be providing money towards flights. Prizing is for 2 travelers. $550 towards flights will also be provided.

Gobble is the company that delivers grab-and-go lunch boxes, and dinner meal Kits that are prepped and ready in 15 minutes.

Bonus Entries: Each person who submits an entry to the Sweepstakes will have the opportunity to obtain additional entries by performing listed social actions, listed in the sweepstakes terms.

The Sweepstakes ends on 1/25/2020 at 11:59pm EST.

Hope you win. Happy savings, Talis.

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